LMT Continuing Education 
Seminars, Classes, Workshops

Blue Sky offers a variety of seminars, classes, workshops for Massage Therapists, Bodyworkers, health professionals and the public. 


 If the seminar title is underline, just click on it and it will take you to full description and registration.  If not underlined you can  sign up  by calling or texting 262-376-1011, emailing  Info@BlueSkyEdu.org

Please include your name as you want it to appear on your certificate, address, phone # and email address.   


 For  payment  you can pay once you click on the seminar name or you can call, mail or click on the payment widget on this page or the Home page. Be sure to include all contact info and name/date of seminar or workshop . 

C.E. Seminars: 

Professionals, alumni, or current students who want to further their education by exploring different massage modalities, or enhance their skills, can enjoy a wide range of courses. Blue Sky is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) for continuing education. 

 Note: not all seminars listed below are NCBTMB approved, please read the description to confirm.  See  Facebook events for full descriptions. 

Most seminars have a maximum of 10 registrants to ensue proper social distancing during lecture. Please ask at time of booking if this is a concern of yours.

Seminars are not restricted to just Blue Sky alumni, but open to all LMT and/or public as indicated below. It is just if you a Blue Sky grad a special discount rate or retake rate may be available.

Massage Therapists and Healthcare Professionals can select from seminars incorporated into our massage program.  If this is a concern, please ask at time of booking.  

 Visit our Facebook events page for a full list of seminars full descriptions.


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 If the title is underlined, click on it for the full description & payment info. Or visit our Facebook Events page.

Pre­req­ui­site: Mas­sage Ther­a­pist or Body­worker, or Stu­dent Mas­sage Ther­a­pist or Body­worker. Open to oth­er health­care pro­fes­sion­als.

Blue Sky students & alumni ask about your special discount

  2/22-23  Oncology Massage, Grafton (not NCBTMB, State only)

 2/25  Introduction to Massage Cupping, Grafton

 3/6  Introduction to Cranial Sacral, Green Bay

 3/15-16  Business Mastery, Grafton (not NCBTMB, State only)

 3/20  Introduction to Cranial Sacral, Grafton

 3/21  *NEW Thai Foot Massage, Grafton

 3/22-23  Swedish Stone Massage, Grafton

 4/4 Body Mechanics for LMT, Work Smarter Not Harder, Grafton (State only but NCBTMB is in the works)

 4/12-13  Business Mastery, Green Bay (not NCBTMB, State only)

 4/26  About Face, Green Bay

 5/3  *NEW  Introduction to Polarity, Green Bay

 5/8-10, 15-17  *NEW Manual Lymph Drainage Vodder Method, Grafton

 5/9  *NEW Thai Foot Massage, Green Bay

 5/31  PNMT for the Hip & Thigh, Grafton

 6/1  PNMT for the Leg & Foot, Grafton

 6/6 Body Mechanics for LMT, Work Smarter Not Harder, Green Bay (State only but NCBTMB is in the works)

 6/11  Intro to Deep Tissue, Grafton

 6/12  Intro to Lymphatic Drainage, Grafton

 6/18  Intro to Deep Tissue, Green Bay

 6/21  PNMT for the Shoulder, Grafton

 6/22  PNMT for the Arm & Hand, Grafton

 6/25  Intro to Lymphatic Drainage, Grafton

 7/12-13  PNMT for the Cervical Spine, Grafton

 7/30  Intro to Cranial Sacral, Grafton

 8/2-3  PNMT Form & Function, Grafton

 8/2  *NEW Sounds of Healing, Green Bay

 8/3  *NEW Reiki Level 1, Green Bay

 8/6  Intro to Cranial Sacral, Green Bay

 10/2  Intro to Myofascial Release, Grafton

 10/3-4  Swedish Stone Massage, Grafton

 10/9-12 Marnitz (TBA), Grafton

 10/24  Intro to Myofascial Release, Green Bay

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Money Order Payment Accepted
Pay for a Seminar/Class




Descriptions on our Facebook Events page.

--------GRAFTON CE SEMINARS----------------

10/8-10, Oncology Massage, (Grafton), 21  NCBTMB CE, Prerequisite: LMT or other licensed healthcare Provider

1/7-9/22,PNMT Low Back & Thoracic Spine, (Grafton), 19 NCBTMB CE, Prerequisite: LMT or other licensed healthcare Provider

2/4-6/22, PNMT Lower, (Grafton), 19 NCBTMB CE, Prerequisite: LMT or other licensed healthcare Provider

2/25-27/22, PNMT Upper, (Grafton), 19 NCBTMB CE, Prerequisite: LMT or other licensed healthcare Provider

3/18-20/22,PNMT Head & Neck, (Grafton), 19 NCBTMB CE, Prerequisite: LMT or other licensed healthcare Provider

4/2-3/22,PNMT Form & Function, (Grafton), 16 NCBTMB CE, Prerequisite: LMT or other licensed healthcare Provider

4/22-24, Certification in Pregnancy Massage, (Grafton) , 21 NCBTMB, Prerequisite: LMT or other licensed healthcare Provider, $400, Minimum $100 nonrefundable deposit due by 4/1/22.

4/29/22-5/1/22 Upledger CranioSacral with Autism, (Grafton), 21 NCBTMB, Prerequisite: LMT or other licensed healthcare Provider

5/13/22-5/15 Oncology Massage, (Grafton), 21  NCBTMB CE, Prerequisite: LMT or other licensed healthcare Provider

--GREEN BAY CE SEMINARS: Coming soon---




Descriptions on our Facebook Events page.

--------GRAFTON NO CE CLASSES------------- 

10/16/21, Crystal Basic 101, (Grafton), Not NCBTMB, Prerequisite: none

10/16/21, Crystal Healing, (Grafton), Not NCBTMB, Prerequisite: Crystal Basic 101

10/30/21 Introduction to Oracle Cards (Grafton), Not NCBTMB, $40, 10am - 1pm

11/5/21 Reiki Share (Grafton), Not NCBTMB, $20, 6pm-8pm

11/19/21 Reiki Healing Meditation (Grafton), Not NCBTMB, 6pm-8pm, Free

12/11/21 Reiki Healing Meditation (Grafton), Not NCBTMB, 10am-12noon

-----------GREEN BAY NO CE CLASSES---------

10/11/21 Alternative Healing Class, (Green Bay), 6pm-8pm, Free

10/16/21 Reiki I with Nancy (Green Bay), Not NCBTMB, $130, 9am - 5pm

10/23/21 Crystal Healing Class (Green Bay), Not NCBTMB $40, 1pm-5pm

10/24/21 Discovering Your Soul Path (Green Bay), Not NCBTMB, $30, 1pm-5pm

11/6/21 Introduction to Oracle Cards (Green Bay), Not NCBTMB, $40, 1pm-5pm

11/8/21 Introduction to Color Therapy (Green Bay), Not NCBTMB, $X, 6pm-8pm

11/13 & 14 Reiki II with Nancy (Green Bay), Not NCBTMB, $150, Prerequisite: Reiki I, 9am - 5pm each day.

12/4/21 Crystals for Healing (Green Bay), Not NCBTMB, 1pm-5pm


12/4/21 Reiki Healing Meditation (Green Bay), Not NCBTMB, 10am-12noon

Workshop Payment & Registration

There is a $50 non-refundable down payment required to hold your space for any seminar (classes fees less than $50 not applicable). Payment must be received at least 2 weeks prior to the seminar/class start. Inside 2 weeks, payment must be received at the time of booking or space cannot be guaranteed. To receive the early fee discount (when applicable) FULL payment must be received at least two weeks prior to the start of the first class. Credit, Debit cards plus check or cash is accepted. 

Please note that there are some CE seminars that have different Non-refundable requirements that will be noted and superseded the policy listed above. 
Massage Workshop and Seminars — Grafton, WI — Blue Sky School of Professional Massage & Therapeutic Bodywork

Seminar Cancellation Policy 

  • If Blue Sky has to cancels a course you will receive a full refund. You will be notified as soon as the decision is made.  
  • If you have to cancel your registration MORE than 2 business days prior from the start of a professional bodywork course (one that issues NCBTMB CE’s) you will receive a refund of your course fee less a $50 cancellation fee.  
  • For cancellations more than 2 business days prior from the start of a non NCBTMB CE course you will receive a refund of your course fee less a 25% cancellation fee.    
  • There are no refunds for any cancellations LESS THAN 2 business days before the course start or a CE or a Non CE class/seminar./workshop.  (for example: if your seminar starts on Saturday at 9am, if you cancel after 9am on Friday there are no refunds)
  • All refunds are issued within 30 days. 
  •  You may send someone to take your place instead of canceling.
Full seminar descriptions visit our Facebook events page.  Payment can be via check mailed or dropped off at Blue Sky, or credit card called into Blue Sky, or pay online on our website

Blue Sky Alumni call and check if there is a special Alumni only discount.  

Any questions please contact us at 262−376−1011.
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