2025 Aesthetics Catalog Is NOW AVAILABLE!
2025 Massage Catalog coming soon!
Blue Sky offers a variety of seminars, classes, workshops for Public, Massage Therapists, Bodyworkers, Aestheticians, Cosmetologist, and other health care professionals.
See list below for Public seminars and click on other pages for LMT & Aesthetics listings.
Visit our Facebook events page for a full list of seminars full descriptions.
If the title is underlined, click on it for the full description & payment info. Or visit our Facebook Events page.
Career Discovery Day
(admissions Open House)
Grafton 2/25 2pm - 6pm
Grafton 3/4 2pm - 6pm
Green Bay 3/5 2pm - 6pm
Business Mastery, Grafton March 15-16
Reiki Level 1- Grafton April 5
Business Mastery, Green Bay April 12-13
Sounds of Healing - Green Bay Aug 2
Reiki Level 1,Green Bay, Aug 3
Descriptions on our Facebook Events page.
--------GRAFTON CE SEMINARS----------------
10/8-10, Oncology Massage, (Grafton), 21 NCBTMB CE, Prerequisite: LMT or other licensed healthcare Provider
1/7-9/22,PNMT Low Back & Thoracic Spine, (Grafton), 19 NCBTMB CE, Prerequisite: LMT or other licensed healthcare Provider
2/4-6/22, PNMT Lower, (Grafton), 19 NCBTMB CE, Prerequisite: LMT or other licensed healthcare Provider
2/25-27/22, PNMT Upper, (Grafton), 19 NCBTMB CE, Prerequisite: LMT or other licensed healthcare Provider
3/18-20/22,PNMT Head & Neck, (Grafton), 19 NCBTMB CE, Prerequisite: LMT or other licensed healthcare Provider
4/2-3/22,PNMT Form & Function, (Grafton), 16 NCBTMB CE, Prerequisite: LMT or other licensed healthcare Provider
4/22-24, Certification in Pregnancy Massage, (Grafton) , 21 NCBTMB, Prerequisite: LMT or other licensed healthcare Provider, $400, Minimum $100 nonrefundable deposit due by 4/1/22.
4/29/22-5/1/22 Upledger CranioSacral with Autism, (Grafton), 21 NCBTMB, Prerequisite: LMT or other licensed healthcare Provider
5/13/22-5/15 Oncology Massage, (Grafton), 21 NCBTMB CE, Prerequisite: LMT or other licensed healthcare Provider
--GREEN BAY CE SEMINARS: Coming soon---
Descriptions on our Facebook Events page.
--------GRAFTON NO CE CLASSES-------------
10/16/21, Crystal Basic 101, (Grafton), Not NCBTMB, Prerequisite: none
10/16/21, Crystal Healing, (Grafton), Not NCBTMB, Prerequisite: Crystal Basic 101
10/30/21 Introduction to Oracle Cards (Grafton), Not NCBTMB, $40, 10am - 1pm
11/5/21 Reiki Share (Grafton), Not NCBTMB, $20, 6pm-8pm
11/19/21 Reiki Healing Meditation (Grafton), Not NCBTMB, 6pm-8pm, Free
12/11/21 Reiki Healing Meditation (Grafton), Not NCBTMB, 10am-12noon
-----------GREEN BAY NO CE CLASSES---------
10/11/21 Alternative Healing Class, (Green Bay), 6pm-8pm, Free
10/16/21 Reiki I with Nancy (Green Bay), Not NCBTMB, $130, 9am - 5pm
10/23/21 Crystal Healing Class (Green Bay), Not NCBTMB $40, 1pm-5pm
10/24/21 Discovering Your Soul Path (Green Bay), Not NCBTMB, $30, 1pm-5pm
11/6/21 Introduction to Oracle Cards (Green Bay), Not NCBTMB, $40, 1pm-5pm
11/8/21 Introduction to Color Therapy (Green Bay), Not NCBTMB, $X, 6pm-8pm
11/13 & 14 Reiki II with Nancy (Green Bay), Not NCBTMB, $150, Prerequisite: Reiki I, 9am - 5pm each day.
12/4/21 Crystals for Healing (Green Bay), Not NCBTMB, 1pm-5pm
12/4/21 Reiki Healing Meditation (Green Bay), Not NCBTMB, 10am-12noon
Full seminar descriptions visit our Facebook events page. Payment can be via check mailed or dropped off at Blue Sky, or credit card called into Blue Sky, or pay online on our websiteBlue Sky Alumni call and check if there is a special Alumni only discount.
Any questions please contact us at 262−376−1011.
1230 13th Avenue &
1234 13th Avenue
Grafton, WI 53024
Hours of Operation:
9am — 5pm, later hours during clinic.
(winter hours 9am - 4pm)
Email: Admissions@BlueSkyMassage.com, Grafton@BlueSkyEdu.Org
2670 South Ashland Avenue,
Suite 101 & Suite 203
Green Bay, WI 54304
Hours of Operation:
(locally staffed M/T/Th 9am - 3pm, later hours for clinci)
Phone: (920) 489−2861
Fax: (920) 489−8076
Email: greenbay@BlueSkyEdu.org